The Prana + Patchouli Podcast

The Prana + Patchouli Podcast

Hosted by: Amy Davies

What if there was a more easeful path to your dreams? Inspired by the desire for a gentler, softer way of being, in this show we dive into topics like the magic of rest, creativity, self-love, connecting with your...

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74. Wind Down Well

Sleep is a time when we replenish both our physical and subtle bodies. It powers our lives and revitalises our energy, so that we can show up as our best selves. In this episode, I'll guide you through a sleep...
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73. Sync Your Energy With Your Cycle

Did you know that the female body goes through four cycle phases each month? Hormonal changes happening at each stage can lead to big shifts in your mood, creativity and energy levels. This helps explain why some days...
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72. How To Heal Stress, Holistically

Do you ever wonder why it's so easy to get stressed, but so hard to relax? Yoga teaches us that we're multidimensional beings, and in this episode, I talk about why we experience stress holistically, how it manifests...
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71. The Magic of Rest

Rest is when our body naturally heals itself, from the inside out. But if we can’t rest, we not only feel ill, but we also feel blocked. Our aura is weakened, which diminishes our presence and our power. So, how can...
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70. Stillness Is The Key To Success

Often, we get our sense of success wrong. We think it comes from pushing, controlling, hustling and making things happen around us. But when we experience success in our lives, what we’re really experiencing is a...
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69. How To Meditate With A Mala

Meditating with a mala is a magical experience because it combines several sacred practices into one meditation, such as mantra, gemstone therapy, acupressure, breathwork and mindfulness. In today’s episode, I’ll show...
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68. Raise Your Vibe In Five

Need a happiness boost? In this episode, I guide you through a 5-minute Happiness Meditation that will not only raise your own vibration - but also that of the world. Finding a moment, just to feel happier, can help...
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67. Choose Purpose Over Perfect

Do you struggle with perfectionism? If so, this episode is for you. We talk about the fearful energy behind that desire to be perfect, and how it can lead to anxiety, depression, burnout and persistent...
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Courageously Manifest Your Dreams

#066 - What if your fear isn’t a bad thing, but rather a supportive, guiding sign from your soul? In this episode, I talk about how you can use fear as a compass to move in the direction of your dreams. The secret is...
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Gently Navigating Depression

#065 - In tough times, we may wish for magic and for someone to take away our pain. But even if that were possible, it would deprive us of a beautiful opportunity for growth. For me, depression has been a call to...
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The Totally Invisible Relaxation

#064 - When life feels overwhelming, have you ever found yourself dreaming of that restorative yoga class you'd really love to take later? Or maybe wishing that you could just freeze time and snuggle up with your...
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Soothe Your Anxiety With A Heart Hold

#063 - In this episode, I'm giving you a short, sweet and loving dose of self-care by sharing a practice you can use to anytime to soothe anxiety when it arises. It's a self-holding technique that releases tension,...
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